Tag Archives: girls weekend

Fall Creative Retreat – Stamp Camp 2015 (part one)

I’m finally getting a chance to share pics from my Fall Retreat. I’m breaking it into a few posts. This first post will highlight the behind the scenes and set up before everyone else arrives.

The journey begins when I pack up my entire studio and my wonderful family helps me load it all up into our van and pilot and we head south to Camp Kirkwood. Continue reading

Fall Stamp Camp Weekend Retreat

YES!!! It’s that time!!!!

It’ time for my Fall Stamp Camp Weekend Retreat!!!

Registration is now open
I have to admit… sometimes want to change the name because there is so much more that happens than stamping. Those of you that have been know what I mean.

Kirkwood Camp www.stampwithanita.com

Even though for me it’s one of the most physically exhausting events I do… when I enter the grounds and start to drive back this familiar road I can literally feel the stress leaving my body and a sense of peace comes over me. I’m able to just breathe… Continue reading