Tag Archives: painting

You’re Made for God-Sized Dreams

Have you ever had a dream or desire that started as a quiet whisper in your heart?


For me it was a whisper that started out so subtle that for days, weeks or maybe even years it was drowned out or pushed aside as I moved through life’s daily tasks.

I even began to wonderful if I ever heard anything at all.

A few years ago I found myself going through life unable to see clearly.  I was blindly operating on “auto-pilot”.  When asked how I was doing I would even catch myself saying, “I’m surviving” or “Just trying to get through this day”.  I had gotten trapped behind negative self talk and even started to believe this was as good as it was gonna get.  Have you ever found yourself there? Continue reading

Mixed Media Canvas “HOUSE” Class

Hello friends… I am so excited about my very first Mixed Media Canvas Class that I will be teaching next week. I do still have a few spots available and would love to have you join me.

Class takes place in my studio on Wed July 30th
~at 10am OR 6:30pm.

Learn the art of mixed media to create a beautiful piece of art to hang in your home or to give as a gift. You will be able to customize your canvas with whatever title and/or verse you’d like… such as Family “name” est date, etc. This one has, “As For Me And My House, We Will Serve The Lord.” ~ Joshua 24:15. Let me know if you have a specific title, verse or phrase you’d like to use when registering.

Class fee only $30
Please let me know right away if you’d like to join us so I can have enough supplies on hand.


Blessings and Happy Stamping!
Anita Haines